nuclear envelope

美 [ˈnuːkliər ˈenvəloʊp]英 [ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈenvələʊp]
  • n.核被膜
nuclear envelopenuclear envelope
  1. Alterations in ryanodine receptors in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope isolated from cardiac hypertrophic rats


  2. After the tetrad was formed , the nuclear envelope and the golgi bodies show a particular activity which is probably related to the exine depositing .


  3. Nuclear envelope types are in relation to the ways they are produced .


  4. Influence of Dimethylnitrosamine on Fluidity of Nuclear Envelope of Rat Liver Cells


  5. Fracture Subsequently , the nuclear envelope collapsed and became discontinuous .


  6. Studies on nuclear envelope & ⅰ . the quantitative ultrastructural analysis of nuclear envelope in several experimental tumor cells


  7. Establishment of Nuclear Envelope Associated Nucleoside Triphosphatase Activity Assay Method and Its Effect on the Restenosis


  8. In cancer cells , Survivin and COX-2 expression were observed mainly in the cytoplasm and nuclear envelope .


  9. In human epithelial cells , sex chromatin appears as a small granule attached to the nuclear envelope .


  10. Sarcoplasmic reticulum are well-developed and widely connect with mitochondria and nuclear envelope .


  11. The novel role of keratin filaments in nuclear envelope reassembly in Xenopus egg extracts


  12. The Ca2 + filling state of the nuclear envelope affects the conformational states of the nuclear pore complexes and t.


  13. A part of cells appeared alveoli on the nuclear envelope , and chromatin was pycnosis and the apoptosis body was formed .


  14. A.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are distinguished by the size and the types of internal structures , or organelles , especially if there is nuclear envelope .


  15. Nuclear envelope alterations in fibroblasts from patients with muscular dystrophy , cardiomyopathy , and partial lipodystrophy carrying lamin A / C gene mutations


  16. Cell accrementition , cell nucleus dissociation , plentiful cytoplasm , nuclear envelope and abundant cell organ of group A and C surpass group B and D obviously ;


  17. Prior to the pairing and recombination between homologous chromosomes during meiosis , telomeres attach to the nuclear envelope and form a transient cluster .


  18. Electron microscopy showed clear destruction of the acrosome , cytoplasmic membrane , nuclear envelope , mitochondrial cristae , and flagellum in the UV-irradiated sperms .


  19. Several distinct morphological features of PCD have been found in the developing starchy endosperm cells , e.g. nucleus deformation , chromatin condensation , nuclear envelope disruption , and nuclear matrix leakage .


  20. The faster the import of lamin and other structural proteins , the faster it is added to the underside of the nuclear envelope , inflating it like a balloon .


  21. During the period of provitellogenic oocytes , the nucleoli migrate to the inside of nuclear envelope , and the matter in the nucleus enters cytoplasm through nuclear pore .


  22. The results suggested that the distribution dynamic of glycoproteins at endoplasmic reticulum , nuclear envelope and plasmodesmata produced in strong hardy wheat seedlings during acclimation is closely associated with plant cold hardiness .


  23. TRAP α was a glycosylated protein with the weight of 34 kD in mammal , which was under regulation of Ca2 + and located in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope .


  24. Endoplasmic reticulum ( ER ) A system of membranes forming tubular channels and flattened sacs ( cisternae ), running through the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells and continuous with the nuclear envelope .


  25. Typical image of apoptosis was observed in MCF 7 cell line treated with genistein in Giemsa stain : cell condensation , blebs formation on cell surface and pieces of condensed chromatin were scattered along nuclear envelope .


  26. In spermatids , CBs move quickly around the nuclear envelope in a parallel or vertical manner . There are several experiments show that CBs collect gene products when they move , and participate in the transportation of RNA between nuclear and cytoplasm .


  27. Recent pivotal studies in C.elegans and Drosophila have demonstrated that KASH proteins and SUN proteins , two kinds of nuclear envelope ( NE ) proteins , play critical roles in nuclear migration and anchorage through interaction with different sets of cytoskeletons .


  28. Serum Alkaline phosphatase activity of group A and C outstrip group B , P < 0.01 . ( 4 ) Cell accrementition , cell nucleus dissociation , plentiful cytoplasm , nuclear envelope and abundant cell organ of group A and C surpass group B obviously .


  29. Conventional ultrastructural observation showed that at the middle and late stage of endosperm development , several distinct morphological features of PCD had been found on the nucleus of starch endosperm , e.g. nucleus deformation , chromatin condensation , nuclear envelope disruption , and nuclear matrix leakage .


  30. With confocal microscopy on whole cells , our results showed that mitotic phosphorylation of H3 initiated in discrete foci near the nuclear envelope in early prophase cells . Following initiation , H3 phosphorylation appeared to spread throughout the condensing chromatin and reached maximum in early metaphase cells .
